Author: imcoach
Metodologia do Treino de Corrida
Metodologia do Treino de Corrida Fazendo uma analogia com as zonas de treinamento de corrida, o objetivo deste post é identificar quantas variações de velocidade precisamos ter em nosso treinamento. E, sobretudo, quando devemos fazer uso dessas variações dentro do contexto dessas zonas de corrida. Joel de Bem, Ironman Certified Coach e Especialista em Desempenho…
Treinamento Polarizado de Corrida
Como Planejar um Treino Polarizado de Corrida Após a explosão em torno da metodologia de treinamento intervalado de alta intensidade (HIIT), muitos ainda buscam condicionamento físico através do treinamento de ENDURANCE, com predomínio da capacidade aeróbia. Esses são treinos com característica de maior duração e menores intensidades. E dentre as diversas metodologias existentes, existe o…
Behavior Zones- Training Montage #05
Behavior Zones In the previous video, we were able to get an idea of a performance graph. But today we are going to understand how we manage to monitor fitness and fatigue indices. And in this way, ensure that we are well conditioned and rested for our competition. Just the fact that we can do…
Heart Rate- Training Montage #06
Heart Rate – Best Choice? In this video, I will show you what obstacles we encounter when we use heart rate as a training control tool for running, cycling and triathlon events. Joel de Bem, coach and founder of Commandos Legion
Performance Graphic – Training Montage #04
Performance Graphic We have already talked about the principle of adaptation to training loads;Training based on stress levels;How much charge do we need to accumulate for certain competitions;And how long should we consider our preparation to be ready to compete. Now let’s know how to make sure that we get there in the best possible…
Stress-based Macrocycle – Training Montage #03
Stress-based Macrocycle How does a GRAPHIC of a STRESS-based planning look like? If every athlete followed a gradual preparation taking into account the short distance competitions first, our body ends up having more time to adapt to the progression of loads. And when this is done, our ability to tolerate the weekly stress level of train…
Stress Levels – Training Montage #02
Stress Levels How do we know if the athlete is fit for his competition? Extremely complex question. But this answer has to do with the way in which it manages to “measure” the athlete’s physical conditioning. And when we talk about metrics, it’s almost an obligation to refer to Joe Friel and the Trainingpeaks software. Because…
Said Principle – Training Montage #01
S.A.I.D Principle The SAID principle says that our body evolves through Specific Adaptations by Imposed Demands. It means that if we know how much stress our body needs to evolve, we will know how to reach our maximum potential Making us stronger, faster and UNSTOPPABLE. Joel de Bem, coach and founder of Commandos Legion
Nutrition Plan for Ironman Event
Nutrition Plan In each ironman event, the importance of having a pre-planned nutrition plan is becoming more and more evident. There are several examples in which we witness elite triathletes reporting that they were in the best physical capacities of their lives, but that even so, they could not even complete a race. And fatally,…
Ironman Journey (week#01)
Ironman Journey (Week 01-15) This will be the first post in a series of 15 where I will show you the step by step of my preparation for Ironman Brazil 2020. Each post will be a summary of 01 microcycle of the training plan that makes up a total of 15 weeks (full cycle ).I…