Tag: ironman

  • Nutrition Plan for Ironman Event

    Nutrition Plan In each ironman event, the importance of having a pre-planned nutrition plan is becoming more and more evident. There are several examples in which we witness elite triathletes reporting that they were in the best physical capacities of their lives, but that even so, they could not even complete a race. And fatally,…

  • Ironman Journey (week#01)

    Ironman Journey (Week 01-15) This will be the first post in a series of 15 where I will show you the step by step of my preparation for Ironman Brazil 2020. Each post will be a summary of 01 microcycle of the training plan that makes up a total of 15 weeks (full cycle ).I…

  • Multiple Sclerosis Triathlete

    Fernando Champomier, was diagnoses with Multiple Sclerosis 17 years ago, finishes Ironman Brazil in 9:59:04. Born in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, Fernando Champomier discovered multiple sclerosis when he was about to climb on the podium of his first triathlon, 17 years ago.Suddenly, his legs locked, and he just could not move. He went to the…

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